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Resumen de Experiencies on the Application of Micro-Blogging to Promote Learning Autonomy in University Courses

Jorge Jesús Gómez Sanz Árbol académico, Rubén Fuentes Fernández Árbol académico, Javier Arroyo Gallardo Árbol académico, Diego Blanco, Celia Gutiérrez Cosío, Juan Luis Pavón Mestras Árbol académico

  • The high pace of change of our societies demands from people skills to carry out autonomous long-life learning. Promoting such skills in students is becoming a strategic goal of modern education. The Bolotweet project explores the application of micro-blogging in higher education for such purpose. Students synthetize lessons, practices and problems in annotations, which lecturwers and other students comment. Lecturers monitor and evaluate the annotations to help in the analysis of student evolution and acquisition of competencies. The participants follow guidelines that regulate these activities. This effort is intended to make students to perfomr critical and autonomous evaluations in different settings, improving their capabilities for self-directed learning. The results of the experiments performed so far show that students have a mild positive valuation of this approach of the information and collaboratively build knowledge in communities. The paper discusses these aspects through the already mentioned experiments.

Fundación Dialnet

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