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Resumen de Numerical Relativistic Hydrodynamics

José María Ibáñez Árbol académico

  • High Resolution Shock Capturing (HRSC) techniques achieve highly accurate numerical approximations (formally second order or better) in smooth regions of the flow, and capture the motion of unresolved steep gradients without creating spurious oscillations. I will show how these techniques have been extended to relativistic hydrodynamics, making it possible to explore some challenging astrophysical scenarios. I will review recent literature concerning the main properties of different special relativistic Riemann solvers, and discuss several test problems which are commonly used to evaluate the performance of numerical methods in relativistic hydrodynamics. In the second part, I will illustrate the use of HRSC methods in various astrophysical applications, where special and general relativistic hydrodynamical processes play a crucial role, such as: relativistic extragalactic jets, accretion onto compact objects, models of formation of Gamma-Ray Bursts, and stellar core collapse.

Fundación Dialnet

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