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Resumen de An Edge-IoT platform aimed at smart farming and agro-industry scenarios

Ricardo S. Alonso Rincón Árbol académico, Inés Sittón Candanedo, María Eugenia Pérez Pons, Óscar García García, Javier Prieto Tejedor Árbol académico

  • Currently the world market is globalized and highly competitive, broadening the spectrum of needs in all sectors of the agrifoodindustry. Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), DistributedLedger Technologies (DLT) and Edge Computing (EC) are crucial tomeet these needs, because they allow all parts of the value chain to be digitized and secured, providing detailed information to the consumer about the final product and warranting its safety and quality. In Smart Farming and Agro-Industry environments, IoT and DLT enable resource monitoring and traceability in the value chain. Therefore, producers can optimize processes and guarantee the origin of their products to gain the trust of consumers. This work presents a platform oriented to the application of technologies such as IoT, Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence and blockchain in Smart Farming scenarios. The platform is designed to monitor in real time the status of dairy cattle and feed grains and ensure traceability and sustainability of the different processes involved in production.

Fundación Dialnet

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