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Resumen de Encoding Traditional Spanish Music for Pedagogical Purposes Through MEI: Challenges and Opportunities

Sara González Gutiérrez, Javier Félix Merchán Sánchez Jara, María Navarro Cáceres

  • This paper aims to highlight, as a case study, the encoding of a Spanish traditional music corpus using theMEI standard for the development of an interactive traditional music database focused on preserving anddisseminating this type of cultural expression in the field of music education as well as ethnomusicology research. It analyzes the possibilities of the schemas and the guidelines followed to describe cancioneros at thebibliographic level, as an archetypal form of compiling traditional music in Spain, as well as the analytical aspects that highlight paradigmatic elements of this kind of music such as rhythmic patterns, tessituras, modalcontexts, phrases, structural forms, etc.

Fundación Dialnet

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