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Resumen de Expert System for the Execution and Supervision of the Anchorage Maneuver

Luis Carral Couce, Javier Tarrío Saavedra Árbol académico, José-Carlos Álvarez-Feal, Laura Castro-Santos, Juan Carlos Carral Couce

  • Yachting uses the boat, in navigation and anchored, to develop different leisure activities. In this use the vessel remains static a great deal of the time of its total use, which constitutes a notable difference with respect to merchant activity. Maintaining the safe condition of the vessel at anchorage is not easy for the crew due to multiple factors: navigation with reduced crews and/or lack of crew professionalism/experience, tiredness after long navigation, ignorance of the area, or simply lack of attention during this time. These circumstances can be increased when the crew decide to anchor to rest or spend the night and the meteorological conditions vary without adapting the anchorage of the boat to this new situation. The objective of the work is the description of the results of the EAS project in which a system for the automatization and supervision of the anchorage maneuver has been developed. The system is designed to assist the crew in the anchorage by means of partial automation of the maneuver. During the stay at the anchorage area, the system passes to a situation of permanent surveillance that allows the detection of dangerous situations of dragging the anchor, alerting the crew, and recommending an action.

Fundación Dialnet

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