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Resumen de Características de la geometría fractal de varios sistemas filonianos mineralizados del Macizo Hespérico. Su aplicación a la prospección: Parte II: Mineralizaciones de W, Sn, U y P

Pablo Gumiel Martínez, Rocío Campos Egea, J.R. Hernández, C. Paredes-Bartolomé Árbol académico

  • This work is an atempt to characterize different vein sets with W, Sn, U, P (Part II) mineralizations of the Hercynian Massif, studying their internal organization and distribution. One-dimensional analysis of each vein sets has been carried out in Traverses. As a result of a two-dimensional analysys carried out from digitalization of several veins sets, other fractal dimensions as capacity dimension (D) and mass dimension (D) were obtained using Box-counting and Mass aggregation techniques. The /ater (D) and (D) values support the analysis of vein sets along Traverses in outcrops. The application of this methodology may play an important role in prospectivity of vein-type deposits.

Fundación Dialnet

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