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Resumen de El fenómeno de "scaling" en los sistemas kársticos

C. Paredes-Bartolomé Árbol académico, A. Mangin, Adolfo Eraso Romero, Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro Árbol académico

  • In this work we preset a different sistemathic methodology to analyse the geomorphology of the karstic cave systems, with the aim to show how the same behaviour, in roughness, appears at different working sea/es. This scaling effect coud be undestood as a fractal character of the morphology. So, first of all a self similar or self affin fractal sca/ing must be identified in the cave, and the seale interval where it takes place. After an appropiate fractal analisys, is done by means of an lnver'se Box Counting Method (MIBC), as presented in Paredes (1995). Final/y, we study the area-perimetrer, and the resuls we get show as the fractal behaviour in whole cave system. This studiy is applied to the Cap de la Lesse karstic cave system.

Fundación Dialnet

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