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Resumen de Construindo o laço do planeta marte em relação às estrelas distantes no sistema copernicano

Luana Paula Goulart de Menezes, Vitor Marques Pereira

  • English

    The present work aims to present a proposal for an approximate construction of the Mars movement, which generates for an observer on Earth a loop shape in relation to distant stars in the perspective of the Copernican system. For this, we will use the well-known GeoGebra software. Growing considerably, the software is always being updated and comes to gather forums and groups, counting on its platform a huge variety of activities for mathematics and science. Among the many possibilities, the model we choose will provide us with a scenario to think about the history of the ideas involved. We believe that through works of this type it is possible to promote a broader and interdisciplinary discussion on the concepts we use, going beyond the very brief cutouts presented in textbooks.

  • português

    O presente trabalho visa apresentar uma proposta de construção aproximada do movimento de Marte, que gera para um observador na Terra um formato de laço em relação às estrelas distantes na perspectiva do sistema copernicano. Para tal, utilizaremos o conhecido software GeoGebra. Crescendo consideravelmente, o software está sempre sendo atualizado e chega a reunir fóruns e grupos, contando em sua plataforma com uma gigantesca variedade de atividades para a matemática e a ciência. Dentre as muitas possibilidades, o modelo que escolhemos nos gerará um cenário para se pensar sobre a história das ideias envolvidas. Acreditamos que por intermédio de trabalhos deste tipo é possível promover uma discussão mais ampla e interdisciplinar sobre os conceitos que utilizamos, indo além dos brevíssimos recortes apresentados em livros didáticos. The present work aims to present a proposal for an approximate construction of the Mars movement, which generates for an observer on Earth a loop shape in relation to distant stars in the perspective of the Copernican system. For this, we will use the well-known GeoGebra software. Growing considerably, the software is always being updated and comes to gather forums and groups, counting on its platform a huge variety of activities for mathematics and science. Among the many possibilities, the model we choose will provide us with a scenario to think about the history of the ideas involved. We believe that through works of this type it is possible to promote a broader and interdisciplinary discussion on the concepts we use, going beyond the very brief cutouts presented in textbooks.

Fundación Dialnet

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