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Resumen de A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin phase-field model for brittle fracture

Alba Muixí, Sonia Fernández Méndez Árbol académico, Antonio Rodríguez Ferran Árbol académico

  • English

    Phase-field models for brittle fracture consider smeared representations of cracks, which are described by a continuous eld that varies abruptly in the transition zone between unbroken and broken states. Computationally, meshes have to be ne locally near the crack to capture the solution. We present a Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) formulation for a quasi-static phase-field model, based on a staggered approach to solve the system. The use of HDG for this model is motivated by the suitability of the method for adaptivity.Keywords: phase-field, staggered scheme, brittle fracture, hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG).

  • català

    Els models phase-field per a fractura fràgil descriuen les fractures com a zones danyades mitjançant un camp continu que varia abruptament entre els estats intacte i trencat. Per tal de capturar bé la solució, les malles han de ser fines a prop de la fractura. Presentem una formulació Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) per a un model phase-field quasi-estàtic, basada en un esquema alternat a l’hora de resoldre el sistema. La motivació per a utilitzar HDG és que permet implementar estratègies d’adaptabilitat de manera senzilla.

Fundación Dialnet

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