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Resumen de Reflexive polytopes arising from bipartite graphs with γ-positivity associated to interior polynomials

Hidefumi Ohsugi, Akiyoshi Tsuchiya

  • In this paper, we introduce polytopes BG arising from root systems Bn and finite graphs G, and study their combinatorial and algebraic properties. In particular, it is shown that BG is reflexive if and only if G is bipartite. Moreover, in the case, BG has a regular unimodular triangulation. This implies that the h∗-polynomial of BG is palindromic and unimodal when G is bipartite. Furthermore, we discuss stronger properties, namely the γ-positivity and the real-rootedness of the h∗-polynomials. In fact, if G is bipartite, then the h∗-polynomial of BG is γ-positive and its γ-polynomial is given by an interior polynomial (a version of the Tutte polynomial for a hypergraph). The h∗-polynomial is real-rooted if and only if the corresponding interior polynomial is real-rooted. From a counterexample to Neggers–Stanley conjecture, we construct a bipartite graph G whose h∗-polynomial is not real-rooted but γ-positive, and coincides with the h-polynomial of a flag triangulation of a sphere.

Fundación Dialnet

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