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Resumen de Tropicalizing the moduli space of spin curves

Lucia Caporaso, Margarida Melo, Marco Pacini

  • We study the tropicalization of the moduli space of algebraic spin curves, S¯¯¯g,n. We exhibit its combinatorial stratification and prove that the strata are irreducible. We construct the moduli space of tropical spin curves S¯¯¯tropg,n, prove that is naturally isomorphic to the skeleton of the analytification, S¯¯¯ang,n, of S¯¯¯g,n, and give a geometric interpretation of the retraction of S¯¯¯ang,n onto its skeleton in terms of a tropicalization map S¯¯¯ang,n→S¯¯¯tropg,n.

Fundación Dialnet

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