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Resumen de Modelos de Transacciones Avanzados para Procesos de Aprendizaje Complejos

Jorge Torres, Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo Árbol académico, Ignacio Aedo Cuevas Árbol académico, Eduardo Juárez

  • Complex Learning Processes (CLP) are the result of the dynamic and unanticipated integration of mixed pedagogies and resources, which facilitate learning in rich and personalized pedagogical environments. CLP consider factors such as the complexity and duration of the learning task, the degree of autonomy of the learner and the continuous design and control of the learning process. But their execution carries with implications such as dealing with long-lived learning activities and finishing activities without accomplishing their learning objectives. Advanced Transactional Models (ATM) relax some of the basic ACID transaction properties so applications may handle in a reliable way, several types of long-lived activities. In this paper, we propose a three-level transaction support implementation based on ATM for an EML execution engine focused on CLP, with the purpose of dealing with diverse types of learning activities, including long-lived activities and compensation activities for those performed activities unable to reach their learning objectives.

Fundación Dialnet

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