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Resumen de 2007-2017: A decade of key competences in Spain

Luis Miguel García López, David Gutiérrez Díaz del Campo, Beatriz García Fernández, José Luis Lupiáñez Gómez Árbol académico, Vicente Romo Pérez, Raúl Eirín Nemiña, Antonio Mateos Jiménez Árbol académico

  • The objective of this research was to determine the perceptions of Spanish teachers about the competence-based curriculum model (CBCM) introduced by LOE (2006) and maintained by later legislation, ten years after its deployment. Participants were 1408 Spanish Primary and Secondary School teachers (719 women and 689 men). Participants answered an ad hoc questionnaire consisting of a 23-item, five-factor scale (beliefs about the theoretical model, level of implementation of the model, difficulties in implementing the model, resources and professional development). The questionnaire was sent through an on-line application to all Spanish Primary and Secondary Schools. The results show that teachers perceive the importance of curricular change although their expectations are negative regarding its implementation in classrooms, they are committed to the application of the CBCM but there is still a great demand for training and contextual conditions need to be improved. Regarding the factors analyzed, women have a better consideration of the degree of application of teaching strategies or the uniformity in the implementation of CBCM, while men score significantly higher in available resources. Primary School teachers have a more favorable perception in the majority of the items than Secondary School teachers. It is necessary to address all these difficulties observed by teachers if educational reforms are intended to have a real impact on the results of the educational process.

Fundación Dialnet

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