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Resumen de The first general Zagreb coindex of graph operations

Melaku Berhe, Chunxiang Wang

  • Many chemically important graphs can be obtained from simpler graphs by applying different graph operations. Graph operations such as union, sum, Cartesian product, composition and tensor product of graphs are among the important ones. In this paper, we introduce a new invariant which is named as the first general Zagreb coindex and defined as Mα1(G) = ∑uv∈E(G)[dG(u)α +dG(v)α] ,where α ∈ R,α 6= 0. Here, we study the basic properties of the newly introduced invariant and its behavior under some graph operations such as union, sum, Cartesian product, composition and tensor product of graphs and hence apply the results to find the first general Zagreb coindex of different important nano-structures and molecular graphs.

Fundación Dialnet

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