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A symmetry result for cooperative elliptic systems with singularities

  • Autores: Stefano Biagi, Enrico Valdinoci Árbol académico, Eugenio Vecchi
  • Localización: Publicacions matematiques, ISSN 0214-1493, Vol. 64, Nº 2, 2020, págs. 621-652
  • Idioma: inglés
  • DOI: 10.5565/publmat6422010
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • We obtain symmetry results for solutions of an elliptic system of equationpossessing a cooperative structure. The domain in which the problem is set maypossess "holes" or "small vacancies" (measured in terms of capacity) along which thesolution may diverge.The method of proof relies on the moving plane technique, which needs to besuitably adapted here to take care of the complications arising from the vacancies inthe domain and the analytic structure of the elliptic system.

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