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On the jumping lines of bundles of logarithmic vector fields along plane curves

  • Autores: Alexandru Dimca, Gabriel Sticlaru
  • Localización: Publicacions matematiques, ISSN 0214-1493, Vol. 64, Nº 2, 2020, págs. 513-542
  • Idioma: inglés
  • DOI: 10.5565/publmat6422006
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • For a reduced curve C : f = 0 in the complex projective plane P 2 , we study the set of jumping lines for the rank two vector bundle ThCi on P 2 whose sections are the logarithmic vector fields along C. We point out the relations of these jumping lines with the Lefschetz type properties of the Jacobian module of f and with the Bourbaki ideal of the module of Jacobian syzygies of f. In particular, when the vector bundle ThCi is unstable, a line is a jumping line if and only if it meets the 0-dimensional subscheme defined by this Bourbaki ideal, a result going back to Schwarzenberger. Other classical general results by Barth, Hartshorne, and Hulek resurface in the study of this special class of rank two vector bundles.

  • Referencias bibliográficas
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