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Resumen de Project-Based Learning Example: Controlling an Educational Robotic Arm With Computer Vision

Tomàs Pallejà Cabré Árbol académico, Mercè Teixidó, Davinia Font Calafell, Marcel Tresanchez, Jorge Palacín Roca Árbol académico

  • This paper describes a project-based learning case example developed at the University of Lleida, Spain. This proposal was addressed to third-year engineering students and combines knowledge from computer vision and robotic control to complete an automation project task. The learning target was to develop a computer vision system that must detect a small object placed randomly on a target surface and control an educational robotic arm to pick it up and move it to a predefined destination. The educational results of this experience have shown that the development of a practical-learning case based on the combination of computer vision and robotics has increased the motivation of the students and improved the assimilation of theoretical concepts.

Fundación Dialnet

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