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Resumen de Research directions at the European Centre for Soft Computing in Forensic Identification

Óscar Cordón García Árbol académico

  • In this talk, the European Centre for Soft Computing, a research and development centre launched by the beginning of 2006 in Mieres, Asturias, in the form of a private foundation with no business purpose, will be presented. To do so, its structure, research staff and main research lines will be introduced. We will focus on the research projects under development in the "Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms" research unit and, more specifically, in a coordinated project with the University of Granada's Physical Anthropology Lab where the procedure followed by a forensic anthropologist to identify missing people through photographic supra-projection is to be automated. We will show how Computational Intelligence techniques such as fuzzy logic and evolutionary algorithms, as well as other kinds of metaheuristics, can be used for the automatic reconstruction of tridimensional models of human skulls, for the superimposition of those skull 3D models with pictures of the missing people and for the design of a decision support system assisting the forensic anthropologist to take the final decision of the identification process.

Fundación Dialnet

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