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Resumen de A workflow for the networked ontologies lifecycle: a case study in FAO of the UN

Oscar Muñoz-García, Asunción Gómez Pérez Árbol académico, Marta Iglesias Sucasas, Soonho Kim

  • This document shows a preliminary framework for editing networked ontologies in the context of the NeOn project. The goal is to manage, in a collaborative way, multiple networked ontologies for large-scale semantic applications. This paper shows the main concepts on the editorial workflow and several lifecycle use cases. The ontologies produced with this framework will be used by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in many different large applications such the Fisheries Stock Depletion Assessment System. Therefore a major goal for FAO is to have a strong and reliable ontology management system for editing the networked ontologies that applications will use as a basis. This framework for editing networked ontologies is being developed in the context of the NeOn Project. What we present here is a brief summary of the activities carried out in this project regarding user requirements and subsequent use case analysis.

Fundación Dialnet

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