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A logic for order of magnitude reasoning with negligibility, non-closeness and distance

  • Burrieza, A. [1] ; Muñoz Velasco, E. [1] ; Ojeda Aciego, M. [1]
    1. [1] Universidad de Málaga

      Universidad de Málaga

      Málaga, España

  • Localización: XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial: (CAEPIA 2007). Actas / coord. por Daniel Borrajo Millán Árbol académico, Luis Castillo Vidal Árbol académico, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez Árbol académico, Vol. 1, 2007, ISBN 978-84-611-8847-5, págs. 187-196
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Texto completo no disponible (Saber más ...)
  • Resumen
    • This paper continues the research line on the multimodal logic of qualitative reasoning; specifically, it deals with the introduction of the notions non-closeness and distance. These concepts allow us to consider qualitative sum of medium and large numbers. We present a sound and complete axiomatization fo this logic, together with some of its advantages by means of an example.

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