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Resumen de Effectiveness study of lexically mapping two thesauri

María Jesús Taboada Iglesias Árbol académico, María del Rosario Lalín Rodríguez, Diego Martínez Hernández Árbol académico, S. Tellado

  • Mapping thesauri is the task of identifying correspondences between entities in different thesauri. Discovering these matches is intrinsically problematic to automate. Earlier research has proposed solutions based on using lexical matching techniques and then, manually revising the resulting lexical mappings with the help of graphical user interfaces. Nevertheless, these solutions cannot guarantee the validity, accuracy and quality of the vocabulary mappings, as human capacity is limited. In this paper, we propose a method to automatically evaluate the quality of the results of a lexical technique. Our method combines structural constraints and annotations with part-of-speech tags to identifying error patterns from the results of lexical matches, differentiating between those leading to fall in precision and those producing decrease in recall.

Fundación Dialnet

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