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Resumen de On the convenience of heteroscedasticity in highly multivariate disease mapping

F. Corpas Burgos, Paloma Botella Rocamora Árbol académico, Miguel Angel Martínez Beneito Árbol académico

  • Highly multivariate disease mapping has recently been proposed as an enhancement of traditional multivariate studies, making it possible to perform the joint analysis of a large number of diseases. This line of research has an important potential since it integrates the information of many diseases into a single model yielding richer and more accurate risk maps. In this paper we show how some of the proposals already put forward in this area display some particular problems when applied to small regions of study. Specifically, the homoscedasticity of these proposals may produce evident misfits and distorted risk maps. In this paper we propose two new models to deal with the variance-adaptivity problem in multivariate disease mapping studies and give some theoretical insights on their interpretation.

Fundación Dialnet

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