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Resumen de Entorno de Interacción Colaborativa mediante Debate Virtual

María Visitación Hurtado Torres Árbol académico, Rubén Ramos Ferreira, Elsa María Trigueros Sánchez, Kawtar Benghazi Akhlaki Árbol académico, Manuel Noguera, Carlos Rodríguez Domínguez

  • Exposure and discussion of topics through Internet platforms is becoming a common and best practice that can be observed in blogs, chats, social networks and e-learning environments, thereby promoting collaboration between their users. In this context, virtual debate is proving an effective means so as to perform task groups that enhances students’ cooperative interaction. In this work it is presented an on-line virtual debate platform, fully working at present, and especially devised to make it easier its adaptation to the specific needs of groups of users and each training goal, as well as the improvement of evaluation activities by means of debate monitoring functionalities and use statistics that enable the visualization of several interaction parameters.

Fundación Dialnet

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