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Resumen de Accelerating parameter estimation in Doyle–Fuller–Newman model for lithium-ion batteries

Sohail R. Reddy, Matthias K. Scharrer, Franz Pichler Árbol académico, Daniel Watzenig, George S. Dulikravich

  • Purpose – This paper aims to solve the parameter identification problem to estimate the parameters in electrochemical models of the lithium-ion battery.

    Design/methodology/approach – The parameter estimation framework is applied to the Doyle-FullerNewman (DFN) model containing a total of 44 parameters. The DFN model is fit to experimental data obtained through the cycling of Li-ion cells. The parameter estimation is performed by minimizing the least-squares difference between the experimentally measured and numerically computed voltage curves. The minimization is performed using a state-of-the-art hybrid minimization algorithm.

    Findings – The DFN model parameter estimation is performed within 14 h, which is a significant improvement over previous works. The mean absolute error for the converged parameters is less than 7 mV. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, application of a hybrid optimization framework is new in the field of electrical modelling of lithium-ion cells. This approach saves much time in parameterization of models with a high number of parameters while achieving a high-quality fit.

Fundación Dialnet

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