Stern-en segida zenbaki arruntez osatuta dago, eta propietate asko ditu. Segidaren propietate berri bat azaltzen da lan honetan, hain zuzen segidaren n. gaia zein den azkar kalkulatzeko balio duena. Azkartasun hori n-k sistema bitarrean duen adierazpidean oinarritzen da. Propietatea nondik nora sortu den azaltzen da, baita haren egiazkotasunaren froga matematikoa ere.
Stern’s sequence consists of natural numbers and has many properties. A new property of the sequence is given in this work, by which the value of the nth term is quickly calculated. This quickness is based on the representation of n in the binary system. It is explained how the property has arisen, as well as the mathematical proof of its truth.
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