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Resumen de Matrix formulation in Acoustics: the transfer matrix method.

Lluís Miquel García Raffi Árbol académico, Vicente Romero García, Alejandro Cebrecos Ruiz, Iván Herrero Durá

  • Matrices are introduced in mathematical subjects in connection with vector spaces and linear algebra, being disconnected from their applications in other fields of science and engineering studies. The transmission of this knowledge is done, in many occasions, in a purely theoretical manner and posing problems to students that are disconnected from applications. In this paper we present an application of matrix formalism  in acoustics: the transfer matrix method. It is a simple method widely used in transmission and reflection problems. For a system composed of a waveguide and an aluminum clamped plate subjected to the pressure of an acoustic wave, we can establish a simple connection between the matrix formalism, the use of vectors and the physical magnitudes.

Fundación Dialnet

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