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Resumen de Intelligent Van Based on Wireless Technologies for Pharmaceutical Drugs Traceability and Incidences Reporting: a successful experience of using smart environments to resolve a real industrial need

Asier Moreno Emborujo, Hugo Landaluce Árbol académico, Ignacio Angulo Martínez Árbol académico, Asier Perallos Ruiz Árbol académico, Ignacio Julio García Zuazola, Leire Azpilicueta Árbol académico, José Javier Astrain Escola Árbol académico, Francisco Falcone Árbol académico, Jesús Villadangos Alonso Árbol académico

  • This paper describes a telematic system based on an intelligent van which is able to trace pharmaceutical drugs over delivery routes from a warehouse to pharmacies, without altering the carriers daily tasks. The intelligent van understands its environment, including: its location, the assets and the predefined delivery route; and can report incidences to carriers in case of failure according to the established distribution plan. It is a non-intrusive solution which represents a successful experience of using smart environments and a RFID in a viable way to resolve a real industrial need.

Fundación Dialnet

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