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Resumen de Comments on: Static and dynamic source locations in undirected networks 1

Emilio Carrizosa Priego Árbol académico

  • The set covering problem (SCP) is among the most studied problems in Operations Research, see García and Marín (2015) for an excellent up-to-date review. Given a set V={v1,…,vn} of users, and a set P={p1,…,pm} of potential locations for the facilities, at cost f1,f2,…,fm, the aim of the SCP is to select a minimum-cost set S⊂P of facilities covering V, in the sense that for any user v∈V there exists some p∈S covering (i.e., close enough to) v. Denoting by aij the coefficient aij={1,0, if vi is covered by pj else

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