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Resumen de Cost evaluation of airline maintenance investigation-triggering methods

Melody Dzwo Min Dai, Kuan Hsun Chen

  • A reliable investigation-triggering mechanism is critical for airlines in managing aircraft fleet reliability. This study developed a simulation model to evaluate the performance of various investigation-triggering mechanisms in various scenarios of aircraft fleet reliability. Factors that affect performance include flight delay costs, investigation costs, the costs of corrective actions, the accuracy of investigations, the effectiveness of corrective actions, and the monthly improvement rate. Nine investigation-triggering mechanisms were evaluated. The simulation results show that the monthly improvement rate significantly influences performance. The subject airline’s original investigation-triggering mechanism is not outstanding in most scenarios. This study recommends two of the nine investigation-triggering mechanisms for airlines when they select investigation-triggering mechanisms in various scenarios. Thus, useful guidance for adjusting airlines’ investigation-triggering mechanisms can be effectively provided.

Fundación Dialnet

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