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Component-based tool for verifying applications using object-oriented patterns

  • Autores: Luis A. Reynoso, Agustina Buccella Árbol académico, Andrés P. Flores, Gabriela N. Aranda
  • Localización: Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ISSN-e 1666-6038, Vol. 2, Nº. 1, 2002 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Seventh Issue), págs. 42-48
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • Applying design patterns is considered a helpful technique for designing software systems. Patterns description, however, results not sufficiently precise providing a weak understanding and making it difficult to be certain when a pattern is being used correctly. We have formally specified a metamodel where properties of patterns and object-oriented design can be rigorously described. In the present work, our formal basis is used to build a component-based tool for verifying proper applications of object-oriented patterns. The usage of this tool is also focused on the learning process about patterns applications. Through a better understanding of patterns, the designer may certify when and how a pattern is being appropriately applied to solve a specific design problem. Furthermore, the whole design process could be improved by using a precise technique supported by an automatic tool for verification.

  • Referencias bibliográficas
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