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Resumen de Endpoint estimates and weighted norm inequalities for commutators of fractional integrals

Alberto Fiorenza, David Cruz-Uribe Árbol académico

  • We prove that the commutator [b, Iα], b ∈ BMO, Iα the fractional integral operator, satisfies the sharp, modular weak-type inequality |{x∈Rn : |[b, Iα]f(x)| > t}|≤C Ψ Rn B bBMO |f(x)| tdx, where B(t) = tlog(e + t) and Ψ(t)=[tlog(e + tα/n)]n/(n−α). These commutators were first considered by Chanillo, and our result complements his. The heart of our proof consists of the pointwise inequality, M#([b, Iα]f)(x) ≤ CbBMO [Iαf(x) + Mα,Bf(x)], where M# is the sharp maximal operator, and Mα,B is a generalization of the fractional maximal operator in the scale of Orlicz spaces. Using this inequality we also prove one-weight inequalities for the commutator; to do so we prove one and two-weight norm inequalities for Mα,B which are of interest in their own right.

Fundación Dialnet

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