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Resumen de The Riemann hypothesis: the great pending mayhematical challenge

Pilar Bayer Isant Árbol académico

  • The Riemann hypothesis is an unproven statement referring to the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Bernhard Riemann calculated the first six non-trivial zeros of the function and observed that they were all on the same straight line. In a report published in 1859, Riemann stated that this might very well be a general fact. The Riemann hypothesis claims that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function are on the the line x=1/2. The more than ten billion zeroes calculated to date, all of them lying on the critical line, coincide with Riemann’s suspicion, but no one has yet been able to prove that the zeta function does not have non-trivial zeroes outside of this line.

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