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Resumen de Categorified Young symmetrizers and stable homology of torus links II

Michael Abel, Matthew Hogancamp

  • We construct complexes P1n of Soergel bimodules which categorify the Young idempotents corresponding to one-column partitions. A beautiful recent conjecture (Flag Hilbert schemes, colored projectors and Khovanov–Rozansky homology.

    arXiv:1608.07308, 2016) of Gorsky–Negut,–Rasmussen relates the Hochschild homology of categorified Young idempotents with the flag Hilbert scheme. We prove this conjecture for P1n and its twisted variants. We also show that this homology is also a certain limit of Khovanov–Rozansky homologies of torus links. Along the way we obtain several combinatorial results which could be of independent interest.

Fundación Dialnet

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