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Resumen de Ecoesferas: una propuesta de modelización en el ámbito de la escuela de Caminos

Áron Anton, Gregorio de Julián, Agustín Delicado, Paula Sánchez, Daniel Valero, Lluís Miquel García Raffi Árbol académico, Enrique Alfonso Sánchez Pérez Árbol académico

  • This article is the result of the work developed by students in the subject “Introducción a las Técnicas de Modelización Matemática" at School of Civil Engineering in Valencia. The topic was proposed by one of the students and its development has been done in the classroom throughout working sessions, seminar and discussion sessions. All of the students have participated in the development of the model on biological self-portable systems that have its origin in the space exploration. The mathematical tools used are the differential equations systems and numerical methods. The resolution shows that there is an stable solution for the system modeled.

Fundación Dialnet

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