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Resumen de Epistemic norms in the musical training for primary teacher education

Olga Belletich Ruiz, Rolando Angel Alvarado, Miguel R. Wilhelmi Árbol académico

  • In Spain, the current education policy is forcing universities to adjust their teacher initial training, due to new school system orients to curriculum toward the competency based education. This research aims to determine whether, during the initial training on Primary Education degree, there is concordance between an Academic Programmes conducive major in Music Education and the competences established by the education policy. The method responds to didactical engineering for music education, observing the Academic Programmes enacted by universities. The results show that competency based education implemented by higher education centres it is not enough because institutions are not establishing didactical interventions internally coherent with the development of musical, pedagogical, and essential competences required for college students. In conclusion, universities still reproduce the collective imaginary that they have historically built on Music Education  

Fundación Dialnet

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