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Resumen de An experimental intercomparison of underwater noise emissions from research vessels

Pilar Córdoba Selles, Enrique Nava Baro Árbol académico, Joan Miquel Batle, Magdalena Iglesias Marroig

  • Oceanographic research vessels are platforms to carry out acoustic surveys to assess pelagic fisheries resources, using scientific echosounders like Simrad EK60. The quantitative use of echosounder’s data requires a precise determination of background noise since a good signal to noise ratio (SNR) is determinant to have an accurate estimation of fishery resources.

    This paper presents a new systematical analysis of noise test results method. Three different research vessels (R/V) have been analyzed proving that only 18 and 38 kHz frequencies are influenced for vessel’s propeller system.

Fundación Dialnet

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