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Resumen de Geometric approach to parabolic induction

David Kazhdan, Yakov Varshavsky

  • In this paper we construct a “restriction” map from the cocenter of a reductive group G over a local non-archimedean field F to the cocenter of a Levi subgroup. We show that the dual map corresponds to parabolic induction and deduce that parabolic induction preserves stability. We also give a new (purely geometric) proof that the character of normalized parabolic induction does not depend on the parabolic subgroup. In the appendix, we use a similar argument to extend a theorem of Lusztig–Spaltenstein on induced unipotent classes to all infinite fields. We also prove a group version of a theorem of Harish-Chandra about the density of the span of regular semisimple orbital integrals.

Fundación Dialnet

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