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Resumen de The relevance of multi-country input-output tables in measuring emissions trade balance of countries: the case of Spain

Teresa Sanz Diaz, Rocío Yñiguez Ovando, José Manuel Rueda-Cantuche

  • As part of national accounts, input-output tables are becom ing crucial statistical tools to study the economic, social and environmental impacts of globalizati on and international trade. In particular, global input-output tables extend the national dimension t o the international dimension by relating individual countries’ input-output tables among each othe r, thus providing an opportunity to bal- ance the global economy as a whole. Concerning emissions of g reenhouse gases, the relative position that countries hold among their main trade partner s at the global level is a key issue in terms of international climate negotiations. With this pur pose, we show that (official) Multi-country input-output tables are crucial to analyse the greenhouse g as emission trade balance of individual countries. Spain has a negative trade emissions balance for all three gases analysed, being the most negative balances those associated to the bilateral tr ade with China, Russia, United States and the rest of the European Union as a whole

Fundación Dialnet

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