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Resumen de The Convergence of Some Products in the Adams Spectral Sequence

Yuyu Wang, Jiangbo Wang

  • In this paper, we will use the family of homotopy elements $\zeta_n\in\pi_*S$, represented by $h_0b_n\in \operatorname{Ext}_A^{3,p^{n+1} q+q}(\mathsf{Z}_p, \mathsf{Z}_p)$ in the Adams spectral sequence, to detect a $\zeta_n$-related family $\gamma_{s+3}\beta_2\zeta_{n-1}$ in $\pi_*S$. Our main methods are the Adams spectral sequence and the May spectral sequence, here prime $p\geq 7$, $n>3$, $q=2(p-1)$.

Fundación Dialnet

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