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Resumen de High-leverage apps for the mathematics classroom: WolframAlpha

Emily P. Thrasher, Ayanna D. Perry, Andrew Benzing (ed. lit.), Heather Lynn Johnson (ed. lit.), Steve Phelps (ed. lit.)

  • Today's students have grown up with digital technology, a fact that has fundamentally changed the way they think and process information (Prensky 2001). To reach our students, we need to accommodate this change and learn to use technology in mathematically powerful ways. The Internet gives students access to vast amounts of data. As teachers, we share in the responsibility to help our students learn to make sense of this information. One resource for teachers is WolframAlpha®, a computational knowledge engine that provides computed answers to queries. This article aims to describe how WolframAlpha can be used to support classroom practice and students' technological literacy.

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