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Resumen de A case study of an experiment using streaming of lectures in teaching engineering mathematics.

Helge Fredriksen

  • To support the possibility of taking an online engineering degree programme, Narvik Universtiy College has chosen to facilitate a streaming service of all lectures conducted by the college. At the Bodo college campus, in the academic year of 2012/2013, these online lectures were used as a central component in adidactic innovation project. The aim was to test and evaluate the capabilites and limitations that web-base communication provides both academically and socially. This innovation was viewed within a Vygotskian theoretical framework linked to a social constructivist facilitation of sudents´ learning. A survey among the students was performed in the mid-semester. The results of the analysis show that the renewal f the teaching was well received by the students in the group. Howevwe, the social learning environment suffered, since students failed to participate in the sessions created in connection with the web lecturing.Thus, the social learning context that we initiallly sought to strengthen was fragmented and lacked momentum as a rsult of the change.

Fundación Dialnet

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