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Resumen de Percolation on finite graphs and isoperimetric inequalities

Noga Alon, Itai Benjamini, Alan Stacey

  • Consider a uniform expanders family Gn with a uniform bound on the degrees. It is shown that for any p and c>0, a random subgraph of Gn obtained by retaining each edge, randomly and independently, with probability p, will have at most one cluster of size at least c|Gn|, with probability going to one, uniformly in p. The method from Ajtai, Komlós and Szemerédi [Combinatorica 2 (1982) 1–7] is applied to obtain some new results about the critical probability for the emergence of a giant component in random subgraphs of finite regular expanding graphs of high girth, as well as a simple proof of a result of Kesten about the critical probability for bond percolation in high dimensions. Several problems and conjectures regarding percolation on finite transitive graphs are presented.

Fundación Dialnet

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