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Resumen de Limit theorems for iteration stable tessellations

Tomasz Schreiber, Christoph Thäle

  • The intent of this paper is to describe the large scale asymptotic geometry of iteration stable (STIT) tessellations in Rd, which form a rather new, rich and flexible class of random tessellations considered in stochastic geometry. For this purpose, martingale tools are combined with second-order formulas proved earlier to establish limit theorems for STIT tessellations. More precisely, a Gaussian functional central limit theorem for the surface increment process induced a by STIT tessellation relative to an initial time moment is shown. As second main result, a central limit theorem for the total edge length/facet surface is obtained, with a normal limit distribution in the planar case and, most interestingly, with a nonnormal limit showing up in all higher space dimensions.

Fundación Dialnet

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