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Resumen de Convergence, efficiency and dynamics of new fourth and sixth order families of iterative methods for nonlinear systems

José Luis Hueso Pagoaga Árbol académico, Eulalia Martínez Molada Árbol académico, Carles Teruel

  • In this work we present a new family of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems that are optimal in the sense of Kung and Traub�s conjecture for the unidimensional case.

    We generalize this family by performing a new step in the iterative method, getting a new family with order of convergence six. We study the efficiency of these families for the multidimensional case by introducing a new term in the computational cost defined by Grau-Sánchez et al. A comparison with already known methods is done by studying the dynamics of these methods in an example system.

Fundación Dialnet

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