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Resumen de Help to new students of ICT Systems Engineering Degree at EPSEM-UPC: Mentoring

Roser Gorchs Altarriba, Xavier Molinero Árbol académico

  • New students at the Manresa School of Engineering (EPSEM, Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) are voluntarity provided with the mentoring service during their initial period at University. Mentoring gives academic, teaching and self-organizational support. It improves academic results and reduces the desertion of the studies. In particular, the mentor is an experimented learner which studies in the last year of his/her Degree. Here we expose such mentoring applied to ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) Systems Engineering Degree at EPSEM, studies of new creation which are probably unique in Spain, and we also present a treatment and analysis of the performance and possible actions of continuous improvement.

Fundación Dialnet

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