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Resumen de Coreference of deletions: The case of control

Giang Linh Nguy, Zdenek Zabokrtský

  • In the present paper we focus on control as a subtype of anaphora. We work with the theory of control present within the dependency-based framework of Functional Generative Description (FGD), in which control is defined as a relation of a referential dependency between a controller (antecedent � semantic argument of the main clause) and a controllee (anaphor � empty subject of the nonfinite complement (controlled clause)). First this paper presents the rule-based reconstruction of controllees, then, it discusses the perceptron-based determination of the controllees� antecedent. We evaluated our approach on data from the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0, however, the rules and features of our system are supposed to be language independent and can be tested on other languages in the future.

Fundación Dialnet

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