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Resumen de On the Edge: a case study and resources for mathematics teachers.

David E. Meel

  • A single case study approach was used to provide an in-depth examination of the special events that take place in the experiences of a graduate mathematics teaching assistant (MTA) during adaptation to a variety of physical, emotional, and psychological issues. Through intervention by a faculty member, professional counselor, and medical doctor, the MTA eventually achieved positive coping and adaptation away from suicidal ideations. In the context of attribution theory, we will look at the particular stressors and the how their concomitant effect led the MTA to consider suicide. The case study documents the interactions between the MTA and the faculty member as well as how the MTAs attributions impacted their tone and tenor. Drawing from this account and others encountered by other MTAs, the second half of the paper presents a case story to help MTAs consider how to navigate situations that contribute to stress.

Fundación Dialnet

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