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Resumen de A Hyperbolic Theory for Advection-Diffusion Problems: Mathematical Foundations and Numerical Modeling

Héctor Gómez Díaz Árbol académico, Ignasi Colominas Ezponda Árbol académico, Fermín Navarrina Martínez Árbol académico, José París Árbol académico, Manuel Casteleiro Maldonado Árbol académico

  • Linear parabolic diffusion theories based on Fourier�s or Fick�s laws predict that disturbances can propagate at infinite speed. Although in some applications, the infinite speed paradox may be ignored, there are many other applications in which a theory that predicts propagation at finite speed is mandatory. As a consequence, several alternatives to the linear parabolic diffusion theory, that aim at avoiding the infinite speed paradox, have been proposed over the years. This paper is devoted to the mathematical, physical and numerical analysis of a hyperbolic convection-diffusion theory

Fundación Dialnet

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