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Resumen de Estimación de las paleovelocidades y sentidos de circulación del agua en el karst donde se emplaza el yacimiento arqueológico de la sierra de Atapuerca: (Burgos)

A. Eraso Alberdi, Mª del Carmen Domínguez Árbol académico, Alfredo Pérez González Árbol académico, M.A. Martín, Ana Isabel Ortega Martínez

  • Flowing water in caves frequently forms dissolution patterns, called scallops, on limestone surfaces. Past flow direction can be indicated using that scallops. And, more recently, it has been known that information about flow velocity may also be obtained from them. Using a relation which combines the formulae for circular and parallel-wall cross section, we obtain the water flow paleovelodty in Atapuerca. This result is very important to investigate the karst formation of Sierra Atapuerca and also to unravel, in the future, the karst evolution and sedimentary deposits of this archeological site

Fundación Dialnet

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