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Resumen de Noetherian loop spaces

Natalia Castellana i Vila Árbol académico, Joan Crespo Fernández Árbol académico, Jérôme Scherer Árbol académico

  • The class of loop spaces of which the mod p cohomology is Noetherian is much larger than the class of p-compact groups (for which the mod p cohomology is required to be finite). It contains Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces such as CP? and 3-connected covers of compact Lie groups. We study the cohomology of the classifying space BX of such an object and prove it is as small as expected, that is, comparable to that of BCP?. We also show that BX differs basically from the classifying space of a p-compact group in a single homotopy group. This applies in particular to 4-connected covers of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups and sheds new light on how the cohomology of such an object looks like.

Fundación Dialnet

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